Welcome to the new and improved VetAMS online learning program!
Here you will find the learning materials you need to become a leader in veterinary antimicrobial stewardship. Each module features key learning activities with current, accessible, and engaging video and audio content, as well as downloadable text files. You’ll find lots of short quizzes to check your understanding along the way.
You can navigate the modules in any order you like, with each completed module earning you valuable Continuing Education (CE) points and a customised VetAMS Stewardship Certificate. Scroll down to review the available modules and click the module title or image to get started.
This program was funded by Australia's Department of Water and Environment (DAWE) and the Veterinary Schools of Australia and New Zealand (VSANZ). Contributors from the Australian and New Zealand Veterinary schools as well as many other veterinarians have made this site possible with each module's contributors visible at the end of each module.Available modules

Get started here!
How confident do you feel in your knowledge
about antibiotics, resistance, and stewardship? We want to know what you have
to say.

Module 1: AMR update: Where are we now?
up to speed with the latest information on both a global and a local scale.

Module 2: Core concepts in AMR
clear and concise summary of what you really need to know about antibiotics and
bacteria to support informed prescribing.

Module 3: Antibiotic classes
Learning activities to make clear the differences between antibiotic classes. Chose the right drug and understand why it’s the right choice!

Module 4: Resistance mechanisms
How microbes develop and share resistance mechanisms – the simplified version. Get it clear in your head so that you can explain it to clients.

Module 5: Diagnosing bacterial infections
your sampling technique to make sure you get the best evidence, plus become the
clinic champion at interpreting lab reports.

Module 6: Antibiotic prescribing and the microbiome
look at clinical reasoning and rational decision making as they apply to our
antibiotic prescribing, plus we review some of the collateral consequences of
antibiotics on our patients’ microbiomes.

Module 7: Using prescribing guidelines
you know human patients do better with Guideline-based prescribing? A look at
how Prescribing Guidelines are made and what they do. Plus a quick review of
the some of the laws and regulations around veterinary prescribing.

Module 8: Infection prevention and control
you know our patients are most at risk of getting a resistant infection in our
practices? Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) principles and why your
practice needs an IPC or biosecurity policy.

Module 9: Implementing an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program: Putting theory into practice
step by step look at what’s involved with Implementing an Antimicrobial
Stewardship Program in your practice – it’s easier than you think!

Congratulations. You’re finished!
Congratulations!! We hope you now have the resources and confidence to take your antimicrobial stewardship to the next level. Before you go, let us know what you thought of the program.